What is truancy?
Truancy is the action of skipping school just because they want to, they don't have justifications and/or good reasons to miss classes. Most of truants lie to their partners saying that they did go to school.
While parents stay at their jobs thinking that their children have attended classes that day, their children, on the other hand, are walking around malls and having fun outside of the school rather than go to school and prepare themselves for the future.
Tobin, L. (2009). |
These cases of not attending school occur more in adolescents because they go through a state of rebellion and say they "need freedom" in their lives, without taking into consideration all the dangers of streets.
At the moment that the kids stop attending school to get away, they can cause a lot of damage in their learning and affect their future as well and not only talking about they won't be financially secure but also they will do drugs and drink alcohol.
Family Lives Parentchannel.tv(2014)
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