What is the true meaning of the celebration of valentines?

What is the true meaning of the celebration of valentines?

Originated in the third century, this celebration begins when in Rome Emperor Claudius II ordered that marriages be prohibited for young people, whom he considered as the best soldiers, since, they should not be attached to their wives or families, within This conflict appeared a priest who secretly decided to marry the young men in secret.

Resultado de imagen para claudio II san valentin
(MundoSurf, 2017) 

In the midst of such a serious lack of his orders, Emperor Claudius II ordered the imprisonment of Saint Valentine who was executed on February 14.
Since then in commemoration of the so-called "patron saint", Valentine's Day is celebrated.

In which countries is Valentine's Day not celebrated and why?
Despite being a celebration that gives rise especially to love and friendship there are many countries where this holiday is not well received and ends up being nothing more than a common date.

(KhAnubis, 2016) 

One of the countries where it is forbidden to celebrate the day of love and friendship is in Arabia Saudi, in this country people are even condemned for carrying out any kind of celebration related to Valentine's Day and consequently the commercialization of heart balloons or chocolates for couples are not allowed, the eradication of this celebration even includes celebrating every February 14th the bachelorhood of men and women.
Also to be considered a pagan festival is not celebrated in countries with Muslim population like Iraq.


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rud-di1J79o
  • http://mundosurfm.com/2017/02/14/
