Why people runaway? Which are the consequences?

Why people runaway? Which are the consequences? 

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Today we hear a lot about runaway people.

The mediating roles between this problem are perhaps stress and attempts at self-harm and suicide.

The truth is that there are many reasons why young people today decide to flee their home:

1. Many people are expelled from their homes because they made some mistake.

2. Sexual abuse is the most common reason to run away from home

3. To see a lot of violence in the family can make the stay at home uncomfortable.

4. Alcoholic relatives or drug addicts are always a problem in homes.

5. The neglect that in the main part comes from the parents makes this the support of the children in another place.

6. If a relative is a criminal, people feel they are in danger while at home.

7. problems at school or school that prohibit bullying and to never believe the solution is to escape.

But which are the concequences of runaway?

1. Many runaways engage in survival sex and use unsterile needles, they are at a high exposure to AIDS

2. Most leave with barely $10 in their pocket and must do anything in order to survive

3. They are assaulted or robbed on the streets

4. Besides of attempted sucide

5. Had already used drogs

6. Many runaways develop health problems due to extreme weather and lack of nutrition

7. Also The problem is that when you’ve been running from things for long enough, you inevitably realize that you’re actually only comfortable when you’re on the move.

J.K. Rowling once stated that “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”

Resultado de imagen para homeless

Arriving on the streets people come to believe that the problems they have now is to say the ones already mentioned above are not worse than what they had in their homes and believe that happiness and freedom is based only on what they already have in reality is nothing.

Even though at the beginning you feel good and empowered by having given a "solution" to the problems, it is only after taking into account how complex it is to try to escape from the problems with the idea that is easier to do.


  1. There is no bibliogrphy , and the first phrase The mediating roles between this problem are perhaps stress and attempts at self-harm and suicide. Is taken form https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22814639, and you do not cite it or include reference of it.


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